

Customized Structures

As with other component parts, Cooling Products manufactures its own structures, controlling quality, design, workmanship, and schedules without relying on sub-vendor whims. From OSHA requirements to end-user standards, we can assure compliance. 

Quiet and efficient

A standard CPI feature not offered by others - rounded, eased inlet and eased exit fan rings. The less abrupt change in air flow reduces static pressure, horsepower, and noise. Our fan rings, combined with other design features, allow CPI to produce some of the quietest coolers in the industry. 

Forced Draft

CPI forced draft designs always meet or exceed API-661 requirements. Rounded, eased inlet & eased exit fan rings are standard with CPI units. Lower static pressure through the rings reduces bhp and noise. 

Induced Draft

CPI standard induced draft coolers have shaft-through with motors and drives below the tube bundle (as required by API-661). All induced draft coolers include top fan ring guards to prevent bird or debris entry to the plenum chamber and for plant personnel protection.